Consul General
Consulate of General of Italy, HCMC Vietnam
"I am very grateful to Ms. Tran Ngoc Danh for the invitation and, most of all, for her leadership in setting up such a crucial event like the first
VMARK Interior Design Week on creative
aspirations and smart design. VMARK sets itself as a relevant part of overall the effort of the Vietnam Design Association to further promote the whole Vietnamese design sector in all its expressions: students, designers, academia, private businesses, government, and authorities."
"We participated in a VMARK Interior Design week 2019 (in Vietnam). Thank you for the exciting and great event VARK interior design week 2019. We would like to congratulate you on the opening of VMARK Interior Design week 2019. We are very happy for the start of Vietnam Interior Design Week, and view it as a significant event. We were pleased to participate in this first VARK EVENT. We are looking forward to being able to meet you."
President of JID

ベトナムで、第1回インテリアデザインウィーク VMARK Interior Design Week 2019が開催されました。満を持しての開催おめでとうございます。会場となったのは、高層ビルが立ち並ぶ一角The Reverie Saigonのゴージャス空間。JID丹羽理事長のほか、IFIやAPSDAのメンバーも各国からお祝いに駆けつけ、CREATIVE ASPIRATION,をテーマに、デザインサミット、デザインアワード、ワークショップ&スポンサー企業のプレゼンテーションなど盛りだくさんの内容で、賑わっていました。インテリアデザイナー達によって、素敵な空間が多数生まれ ているベトナムのインテリアデザイン、これから、目が離せません。
President of IFI - International Federation
of Interior Architects/Designers
Founder of SLD Group Holdings
"Congratulations VDAS Vietnam Design Association in hosting the 1st Vietnam Interior Design Week and VMARK Vietnam Design Awards. Our founder Steve Leung, as the President of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI), appreciates and recognizes VDAS as it develops a national Interior Design entity. We are proud to be a part of the mutual effort in promoting our profession."

第一屆越南室內設計周圓滿舉行,活動由越南設計協會主辦,SLD 創始人、國際室內建築師/設計師團體聯盟 (IFI) 主席梁志天出席並恭賀及肯定協會積極推動設計行業。
President of Interior Design Confederation SINGAPORE
"Congratulations on the success of your inaugural VMark 2019 event. I am sure it is the first of many to come. Thank you for inviting me to represent IDCS. I wish that there will be many more opportunities to collaborate."
Design Strategist / Founder / Director NOSIGNER
Associate Professor KEIO University
"We collaborated and gave a lecture to the establishment as the first jury partner of Vmark. There's something deeply deep in thinking that it may have been in a historical moment. When South Korea and Hong Kong start to power the design industry, the design promotion of Southeast Asia will move on at a surprising speed from here.
And this award is said to be obvious that it was founded to realize the Vietnam of Vietnam."


Board Member of JID Japan
"The interior design week 2019 was a great exciting event. Thank you very much during my stay in VIMRK Vietnam.Thank you for the invitation to Vietnam Interior Design Week 2019. I am glad that I could attend this event. Theme CREATIVE ASPIRATION Everything was very wonderful for the presentation of a panelist. I hope to participate in the presentation next year!I would like to try again and VMARK Design Award 2019
Congratulations to all the winners."

Chairman at Italian Chamber
of Commerce in Vietnam
"Happy to be one of the keynote speakers and jury members for the inaugural VMARK Interior Design Week in Ho Chi Minh City and ICHAM is more than happy to support the VMARK Interior Design Week."

TzuYin Lu
Interior Design Director at Alpha King Real Estate Development
"It is exciting to see and be a part of this international stature interior design-focused event, not only because interior design is my passion also career, but most immortally because of the Vmark Interior Design week and Vmark Interior Design Award cultivates creativity, innovation, and also the business."

Head Regional Business Development STEINBERG ARMATUREN
"As a wise saying goes: “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” — Dale Carnegie. VMARK is great to forging and strengthening of our friendships in the years to come!"
VMARK設立、そしてInterior Design Weekの初開催。今回オカムラもベトナムのデザイン史にとって記念すべきイベントを支援させていただきました。

Managing director of SODA
"It is with great pleasure that our Managing Director, Mr. Tung Ching Yew was invited to be Jury for VMARK Design Awards 2019 and Keynote Speaker for VMARK Design Summit 2019. This is part of the Inaugural Vietnam Design Week event held in Ho Chi Minh city to celebrate and acknowledge good design works in Vietnam’s interior design industry. Special thanks to Vietnam Design Association (VDAS) for the invitation and organizing this successful event!"

Creative Director at KanKanemura Brand
"Thank you for the support of the VMARK with the creative work of Kan. There are silent support and suggestions for ideas, the upcoming new plan is always full of all BEAUTIFUL work and this much sense!"

"OUT-2 design is honored to receive the VMARK Interior Design Award of Vietnam Interior Design Association in Ho Chi Minh City. The interior design of public services (ISHCMC Sub-Library, HCMC), Public Interior Design (RMIT International University, Ho Chi Minh City), and Residential Area (Xi Penthouse, HCMC). The event incorporates the VMARK Design Exhibition, Design Summit (I will be speaking), and the first-ever Vietnam Interior Design Awards (VMARK Design Awards)."

"We highly appreciate the International Jury Board and Vmark Interior Design Week 2019 who have created an innovative environment not only for YC but also to all the designers as well as for young students who would be successful designers in the future."

Editor in Chief of Work Mill
"The first opening of the Vietnam Design Award, the establishment of the VMARK, and the interior design week. This time, oka also supported the event to commemorate the Vietnamese design history. More than anything, Japan was so great that it was actively supporting and participating in the local Asian countries, including South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and Australia. I thought that this kind of cooperation is an important action to increase the presence and level of Asia in the design."
Design Lead & Owner of TILT Industrial Design
Educator of University of Technology Sydney
"T ILT’s Tim Phillips happy when selected to sit alongside some of the world's most innovative designers and entrepreneurs to judge and award the VMARK Innovative Interior Design Award as part of VMARK INTERIOR DESIGN WEEK 2019.
This flagship event will be held May 17-20, 2019 in Ho Chi Minh City and is the first kick-off event in the series of VDAS Vietnam Design Association Network of Events in 2019 with the objective to grow and nurture the Vietnamese design industry through education, awareness, and experience. Step by step, they have been steadily building Vietnam's design identity with the sole purpose of being recognized globally by the creative world around us."
"We have just had a successful few days exhibiting at Vietnam Interior Design week – some great conversations and exciting plans for the future. Thank you VDAS Vietnam Design Association, looking forward to it growing bigger and better next year!"

"ADP was honored to receive the "Best of Workplace Design - Golden Award" in the series of VMark Interior Design Week 2019 with a 3M office project. "only for YC but also to all the designers as well as for young students who would be successful designers in the future."